- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectantsWet and dry use.
Ideal for acrylic & gel process T259250F0
"Hexagon Flame Bit" 1301080
Ideal for acrylic & gel process 406001
Fresa in metallo duro "2 Way medium", per trattamento acrilico e gel T60105M0
Fresa in metallo duro, "Tunnel", grana molto fine 5001305
Fresa in metallo duro "Medium Blue", adatta per la lavorazione di acrilico e gel
Fresa in metallo duro Yolka (С)
Fresa in metallo duro, "Tunnel", extra grosso 5001504
"Quadrilateral Flame Bit" 1301100
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